Saturday, August 16, 2008


So basically this is a fan-fic story of warriors, but in my opinion, Jin does better than Erin. All three of her. She isn't one person, she's three women


Decemberflower said...

and the 3rd (Anne i think) SUCKS! and thanks Adeen. you rock (unlike anne)

Decemberflower said...

okay, i should post the prologue now

Hoshi said...

who is anne? and yes that would be nice. I can't find my notebook with my warriors book in it so I'm making up a new one. well, at least until I find my other notebook. then I'll be writing two.

Decemberflower said...

like me! i'm actually still typing the Prologue from the notebook to the compy. same with Chapter 1 for the other warriors book.